WRITER’S CRAFT-Fully examine and explain a particular piece of the writer’s craft; you may want to consider any one of the following and explain how it underscores one of the motifs or themes of the book: characterization, structure, hyperbole, imagery, diction, voice, etc. (must sue at least two times)

The theme of this book is that fear is mentioned throughout this book and it rules the life of The Baudelaire new guardian who is Aunt Josephine. The diction in this book is generally easy. Sometimes The Wind Window contains high level vocabulary. But one of the characterization in this book is, that if the sentences contain a difficult word, then in the next sentence it explains what the difficult vocabulary means. This characteristic in this book make the readers to understand the theme more easily and clearly.

While reading The Wide Window we can often see the letters that is tilt. I haven’t notice the tilt letters until I tried to answer this question. For example, “Why, children,” he said, “you look terrible! Violet, you have red…”Chapter 7 page 103. According to my opinion, the tilt letters in this book might represent which author wanted to emphasis. When I arranged the tilt letters, I realized that most of tilt letters were adjectives. Also the letters represent the feeling of the characters. This underscored the theme of this book, making the readers to realize characters feeling better. ( I’m not sure what author exactly wanted to represent by tilting some letters in this book. However it was very interesting. )

In The Wide Window, each chapter contained the pictures under the chapter’s number. These made each chapter more attractive and interesting. As I read chapter by chapter, I start each chapter determining the picture. Also when I saw the picture in each beginning of the chapter, it was easy for me to predict what’s going to happen in that chapter. In this book most of picture was fearful which underscored the theme of this book.

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