FIVE-STAR QUOTE- React, respond and explicate a “five star quote” of your choice. A “five star quote” is a quote that “jump off the page” at you for any number of reasons. It may be profound, humorous, universal, or any reason you choose-just make sure you explain why you selected it. For clarity you must include the entire quite somewhere in the entry.

The first quote that I have selected from this book is “There is a way of looking at life called “keeping things in perspective.” This simply means “making yourself feel better by comparing the things that are happening to you right now against other things that have happened at a different time, or to different people.”Chapter3, page37 I think this quote is very universal. Because I think that most of people have thought of this quote once in their lifetime. For instance, in my case when I feel embarrassed in front of other people I always think better then being sick or killed. When the bad things happen to me I always think of worse thing then that and try to encourage my self.

The second quote that I have selected from this book is “A hurricane on a lake?” Klaus asked. “I thought hurricanes only occurred near the ocean.” Chapter1, page 9 This quote is very often used by many people. When you have conversation with other people, you can discover new information from other people, which is very useful for our life. It is one good way to gain a useful life knowledge.

The third quote that I have selected from this book is “There are two kinds of fears: rational and irrational-or, in simpler terms, fears that make sense and fears that don’t” Chapter2, page 34 I think this quote has profound meaning that I have never thought in my life. For instance, the Baudelaire orphans have a fear of Count Olaf, which makes perfect sense, because he is an evil man who wants to destroy them. But if they were afraid of lemon meringue pie, this would be an irrational fear, because lemon meringue pie is delicious and has never hurt a soul.

The fourth quote that I have selected from this book is “There are men and women who are experts in the field of handwriting analysis." Chapter4, page 75. They are called graphologists, and they attend graphological schools in order to get their degree in aphology. I did not know this kind of job still existed. I mean I didn't know the society had this job, and also we usually type eveything, so I wondered if we need this kind of job or not.

1 comment:

Jennifer Cho said...

Hi Christina!:)
I explained it in another way of the quote “keeping things in perspective” which you explained “making yourself feel better by comparing the things that are happening to you right now against other things that have happened at a different time, or to different people.” I think that it make people feel rather depressed and mad when you compare to people. Comparison can be sometimes good but usually bad since you envy other people’s merit while you hate the things you have.