LETTERS-Write a fictional letter to one or more of the characters or create a letter written from one character in the novel to another that expresses some unspoken feelings or thoughts.

To: Violet

Hello! I have read “The bad beginning,” “The Reptile room,” and “The wide window.” I have lots of things to tell you. First of all, I feel really sorry for you about your parent’s terrible accident. If it wasn’t for that accident all of you might not have hardship at all. Also you might be normal children like others. And when I read that you and your siblings have survived from the Count Olaf's plot I was reallly impressed. If I were in your situation I an not sure I could have survived well like you. In addition it’s really sad that you couldn’t find a capable guardian who could take care of you. I really can’t understand Aunt Josephine. I mean although she wasn’t the best guardian, still she was better then Count Olaf of course. But she was afraid of such a silly thing. If I was in your situation I would have tried harder to persuade Aunt Josephine to use telephone, microwave, and other machines. However, the thing that made me really mad and crazy was when Mr. Poe didn’t believe your statement that Captain Sam was real Count Olaf. I mean Mr. Poe has seen Count Olaf more then two times and he can not realize him?! That doesn’t make sense. Also in the end when the Count Olaf run away and you and siblings try to catch him, but Mr. Poe tells them that it’s too dangerous for children. Because of that they always fail catching the Count Olaf. Even though you are always in the worst situation ever, you have best young brother and sister. As you can see if you and your young brother and sister combine their ability you guys can do anything. Every single riddles are solved by each of your siblings. You are the oldest sister, which means you have more responsibility and to take care of. I know it’s really hard for you, but I hope you can solve other problems as well as you did before. I’m looking forward reading another unfortunate event series. Bye!

I will pray for you that you and your young sister and brother have good guardian and settle down someday as soon as possible.
WRITER’S CRAFT-Fully examine and explain a particular piece of the writer’s craft; you may want to consider any one of the following and explain how it underscores one of the motifs or themes of the book: characterization, structure, hyperbole, imagery, diction, voice, etc. (must sue at least two times)

The theme of this book is that fear is mentioned throughout this book and it rules the life of The Baudelaire new guardian who is Aunt Josephine. The diction in this book is generally easy. Sometimes The Wind Window contains high level vocabulary. But one of the characterization in this book is, that if the sentences contain a difficult word, then in the next sentence it explains what the difficult vocabulary means. This characteristic in this book make the readers to understand the theme more easily and clearly.

While reading The Wide Window we can often see the letters that is tilt. I haven’t notice the tilt letters until I tried to answer this question. For example, “Why, children,” he said, “you look terrible! Violet, you have red…”Chapter 7 page 103. According to my opinion, the tilt letters in this book might represent which author wanted to emphasis. When I arranged the tilt letters, I realized that most of tilt letters were adjectives. Also the letters represent the feeling of the characters. This underscored the theme of this book, making the readers to realize characters feeling better. ( I’m not sure what author exactly wanted to represent by tilting some letters in this book. However it was very interesting. )

In The Wide Window, each chapter contained the pictures under the chapter’s number. These made each chapter more attractive and interesting. As I read chapter by chapter, I start each chapter determining the picture. Also when I saw the picture in each beginning of the chapter, it was easy for me to predict what’s going to happen in that chapter. In this book most of picture was fearful which underscored the theme of this book.
PERSONAL-Create a piece of writing that describes and explains a personal reaction to a character, place or event in the text.The Wide Window’s background doesn’t match with me, because I have my mom and dad and not having an unfortunate events. Also we are in really apposite situation. I’m having a happy life everyday, but Baudelaire’s are struggling with lots of things. But some characters and places have personal connection. First of all, Violet the oldest Baudelaires tie her hair in a ribbon to keep it out of her eyes. I don’t tie it in a ribbon, but still when I’m solving a difficult problem then I tie my hair in a same purpose with Violet. For someone who has a bang or short hair that only comes down until the shoulder, sometimes it really annoys you when you have to concentrate and hair is falling down. Also the hair makes the shadow that you can not see what you want to see.The Aunt Josephine Anwhistle seems to have an irrational fear, which was very interesting. My aunt was afraid of buttons for no reason. When I read this book and knew that Aunt Josephine Anwhistle I thought “maybe Violet, Klaus, and Sunny might have felt like me.” Can not understand why they are afraid of something that is not supposed to be afraid of. Maybe they are afraid of something that is not supposed to be because they have different characteristic and personality then the usual person.The setting in this story was a house precariously perched over the edge of a cliff held up by stilts, with a wide window overlooking the lake. Which was very scary and thought I could never go to that place and spend one hour. If the house falls into the river, everything is over. I would never spend my time in such a dangerous place. When I was in U.S.A, I traveled to California with my families in summer vacation. And we stayed one night in the hotel wich were precariously perched over the edge of a cliff. ( But not held up bu stilts of course.) Also the hotel room had a wide window and we could see the beach very well. ( Which might have looked like a wide window in this book. )
WRITER’S CRAFT-Fully examine and explain a particular piece of the writer’s craft; you may want to consider any one of the following and explain how it underscores one of the motifs or themes of the book: characterization, structure, hyperbole, imagery, diction, voice, etc. (must sue at least two times)
The major theme of “THE WIDE WINDOW” is that fear is mentioned throughout this book and it rules the life of The Baudelaire new guardian who is Aunt Josephine. She is afraid of everything and some of her fears are kind of silly. However they are not any less real to this terrified woman. In this book there’s something very special thing that other book doesn’t have. Author Lemony Snicket narrates with subtle humor, usually when explaining words, and analogies in often incongruous detail. When describing a word the reader may not be aware of, he always says 'a word which here means...' This helps the reader to understand better, and more clearly. Also for people who uses English as a second language doesn’t have to put the book down and spend a time finding the word in a dictionary. This was the only book that had explanation about the difficult words that the book I have read. Also the Author Lemony Snicket often goes off on humorous asides, discussing his personal life, or his opinions of various matters. The details of his supposed personal life are largely absurd and incomplete. The author tells us experience that relate to the situation in the book. This makes me feel that this doesn't only happen in the story, but it really happens in the real world. He also has a very cynical outlook on life. We can learn lots of good things reading his experience. For example, in the book one experience that he has told to the reader was “…Something will happen to you, and you will do the wrong thing, and for years afterward you will wish you had done something different.” Chapter 13,156. Author said this quote in the beginning of the chapter 13. Of course, this quote was related to the next chapter’s affair.( But it also give me inspire and made me think about this passage. Everyone thinks it’s very simple book, but it contains lots of good passage in each chapter. )
These things make this book more special then the other book, and also these make readers to understand easier and faster.
FIVE-STAR QUOTE- React, respond and explicate a “five star quote” of your choice. A “five star quote” is a quote that “jump off the page” at you for any number of reasons. It may be profound, humorous, universal, or any reason you choose-just make sure you explain why you selected it. For clarity you must include the entire quite somewhere in the entry.

The first quote that I have selected from this book is “There is a way of looking at life called “keeping things in perspective.” This simply means “making yourself feel better by comparing the things that are happening to you right now against other things that have happened at a different time, or to different people.”Chapter3, page37 I think this quote is very universal. Because I think that most of people have thought of this quote once in their lifetime. For instance, in my case when I feel embarrassed in front of other people I always think better then being sick or killed. When the bad things happen to me I always think of worse thing then that and try to encourage my self.

The second quote that I have selected from this book is “A hurricane on a lake?” Klaus asked. “I thought hurricanes only occurred near the ocean.” Chapter1, page 9 This quote is very often used by many people. When you have conversation with other people, you can discover new information from other people, which is very useful for our life. It is one good way to gain a useful life knowledge.

The third quote that I have selected from this book is “There are two kinds of fears: rational and irrational-or, in simpler terms, fears that make sense and fears that don’t” Chapter2, page 34 I think this quote has profound meaning that I have never thought in my life. For instance, the Baudelaire orphans have a fear of Count Olaf, which makes perfect sense, because he is an evil man who wants to destroy them. But if they were afraid of lemon meringue pie, this would be an irrational fear, because lemon meringue pie is delicious and has never hurt a soul.

The fourth quote that I have selected from this book is “There are men and women who are experts in the field of handwriting analysis." Chapter4, page 75. They are called graphologists, and they attend graphological schools in order to get their degree in aphology. I did not know this kind of job still existed. I mean I didn't know the society had this job, and also we usually type eveything, so I wondered if we need this kind of job or not.
PREDICTION- Make a prediction early in the book. Revisit the prediction after finishing the book. Compare and contrast your prediction with the ending. To what extent was your prediction satisfied and why?

I read “THE WIDE WINDOW” which is the third book of A Series of Unfortunate Events. The book contains thirteen chapters; (it contians thirteen chapters because the thirteen number represents the unfortunate nubmer. Also, the Unfortunate Events series are conposed in thirteen books) after reading one chapter I predicted what’s going to happen in next chapter. In chapter one, it introduced the main characters in this book. In addition, it introduced Aunt Josephine who is a new guardian for Baudelaire orphans (Violet, Klaus, and Sunny).

Before I read this book I already read first book and second book. The first part of first and second book always tells the reader that Baudelaire orphans will never have a normal life or guardian. For this reason, I easily predicted that the new guardian Aunt Josephine will not be the normal guardian for Baudelaire orphans. Also every single book of unfortunate event series always have new guardian in the beginning. So in the end of this book the guardian Aunt Josephine will get into a situation that she couldn’t take care of Baudelaire orphans any more. I predict that three main characters who is Baudelaire orphans will use their own characteristic for solving the problem. Also I predict that the main villain character Count Olaf (I knew him since I read the first and second book of unfortunate event) would have plot to steal Baudelaire orphans fortune again.

After finishing the book I compare and contrast my prediction with the ending and every prediction that I made was matching with the ending.
First the new guardian Aunt Josephine was not a normal guardian. She was afraid of everything. She never runs on the radiator, because she was frightened that it might explode which is very abnormal. Except for this there was lots of thing that it should not be frighten to normal people but not for Aunt Josephine. Also sadly in the end of this book the guardian Aunt Josephine gets killed by Lachrymose Leeches. In the book, Baudelaire orphans used their own characteristic for solving the problem such as Violet for thinking of the peppermints to gain them some time, Klaus for figuring out the note, and Sunny for biting the peg leg just at the right moment. Also Count Olaf disguises to Captain Sham and had a plot to steal Baudelaire orphans fortune.

I was really satisfied at my prediction. Because I remembered first and second book of unfortunate event series, then applied some details and predicted it exactly. Also it feels really good when your prediction matches with the story.
When I started reading this book, I thought this book is going to be about women.
Because the book title is "The Little Women". I read few pages, and found out the main 4
charaters in this book. Meg, Jo,Beth,Amy. These girls father in war. So Meg,Jo,Beth,Amy is
waiting for ther father with their mom. This is what I read this afternoon in Reading for
Pleasure class.
My favorite part of the book was when Sara find out that Indian gentleman was the
fathers' best friend. And Sara was the little girl that Indian gentleman was finding for 2 years.
That was the most impressive part in this book. From chapter 14 or 15, reader knew that and
the characters don't know which made readers more interested. I felt I want to go in to the
book and tell the truth to Sara and Indian gentleman. Also this part proved that Saras' patiance
lead her to the happy ending.
If I am the main character Sara, I think I can not have positive
thought like Sara. Even though she was in hardship she tried to make the
situation better. If I was in that situation I would think other way to live.
Because that place didn't have any hope.
This book made me think how to act positively when I'm in terrible situation.
Sara was in terrible period in her life, still she was polite to everybody. The book also made me
think how to get used to the situation you are at. I mean if I were Sara's situation I would
rather go to orphange or find the other way to live. Beacuse in that school there was no hope
to use such a intelligent brain. I feel like this book will make me continue to think deeply.