I was confused by
Sara father's sudden death. I thought that author tried to tell the reader that eventhough Sara has
everything she wants bad thing could happen. And I was confused with this part.I thought Sra's mom
was enough for her. Sara never had her mom so eventhough she had her father she's in hardship.
Eventhough Sara might have other good people to take care for her it couldn't take Sara's parents place.
So I thought it might be better to change the story as Sara and teachers recieve massage that father
passed away by accident, but in the end he didn't passed away at all and he pick her lovely daughter and
happy ending.
I'm almost done with my first book in R.P class.
I have read this book in Korean when I was probably 7 years old.
I'm reading same book in English but the book gives me different meaning
that I had before.
I'm looking forward to finish this book.
The little princess is starting with some sad beginning.
The main characters' name Sara went to Dormitary School whcih she can not live with
her father. However she has to stay in School until father comes back.
And as I read few chapters I can know the Sara's personality.
From the title Little Princess I can predict that it's going to be about little princess who is really rich. In the picture I can see the little girl with pink beautiful dress which might be the main character in this book. And in the background there's lots of expensive furniture which I could predict that main character is very rich. From the blug I noticed that the main character named Sara Crewe seemed just like a real princess. And she has hardship but she keeps telling herself that she can still be a little princess inside, if only she tries hard enough.